Saturday, 19 March 2011

"Seasons Of Khadambi" Animation Film

Hey Peeps! It is I once again bringing you another Update from the wonderful crazy World of with moi's...But this time a FINALLY completed Animated piece YAYZ!!!!! :D And no it's NOT the Squirrel (I've only just got into full production for it) and it's also not my usual crazy style but good enough piece to be proud of in it's own right. To be honest I actually finished this film a long time ago (back in November 2010) but I was under contract to NOT show it anywhere until after it was exhibited which I now CAN haha! :D

As part of our UNI Course one of the Units we had to complete was the "The Live Project". The scary thing about the "The Live Project" was the fact that this time we had to work for a REAL client therefore we really couldn't afford to screw up this time.

In our case our client were The National Trust where we had to animate a moving image of how we personally felt about the house of the late, great Kenyan artist, poet, author and mathmagician Khadambi Asalache (who resided in London).

Now I along with Natalie Young had already worked with The National Trust previously on their Sound Project for the house (in fact it was this very project where my Lucius The Bitter Squirrel story first originated from) and while that was a fun, interesting project however; since the 2 of us are both animators this time we REALLY had to show what we're capable of.

So for the project our class split into 4 Groups, I was in Group 3 with Dimitri Nicolai, Orunmilla Williams and Yang Zhang. Together we came up with an idea that Khadambi's house very much had a very seasonal feel to it so decided to do a non narrative, 4 seasons piece in his tribute.

I was also the Producer of the project and as an animator I animated the falling Snowflakes for the Winter season and the Autumn Plants for the Autumn Season.

I'll be honest this isn't really my normal style. I'm more of a crazy, surreal and eccentric storyteller at heart but like I said this project wasn't about me and what the client wants the client gets; who am I to argue. Despite being out of my comfort zone however I have to say I am indeed really pleased with our this film turned out. After all it may not be my normal style but it does show what us I can do if the time calls for me to try something different for someone else.

This film along with the 3 other groups in our class is currently being shown at the Geffrye Museum in Hoxton/Hackney so if you enjoyed this piece please do check out my other friends' pieces as well since they are all brilliant Khadambi tribute films in their own rights.

Anyways enjoy the film!

That's all for now folks and until next time...

See ya later Navigators! :)

Noor "Red Eye" Mula

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